Monday, March 24, 2008

U.S Death Toll in Iraq War Reaches 4,000

It’s been five years since President George W. Bush started his "war on terror" in Iraq, and it seems the turmoil has only just begun. The death toll reached the 4,000 mark late Sunday night in Baghdad when four service men were killed by an improvised explosive device. Although this number is tremendously lower than its predecessors; many fallen soldiers have left incredible stories of fear, hope, doubt, confidence, disillusion, and all feelings in between. This has had a profound impact on what many Americans feel is a "meaningless" war started by our government. I believe the people who call it such, have clearly never been close to a service member. Having a best friend as a marine, who is currently serving in Iraq, has given me a unique look into the mind of a soldier. I never believed we needed to fight another war in Iraq, with the obvious criminals of 9/11 being in Afghanistan, yet the men and women in uniform have done astonishing things for the Iraqi people. My friend Corey tells me at times it’s a dirty job, but it’s his job and he loves it. I find this self sacrificing mentality incredibly admiral and noble. 4,000 Americans have died answering their countries calling, not out of necessity, but to help try to give the people of Iraq a better life. I consider my political views extremely liberal and fully support Obama, However; I believe that all of the work done in Iraq could be threatened in the upcoming presidential election. With the Democrats having the house majority, and Barrack Obama's strong stances on pulling out of Iraq, we could very possibly see all these hard works go to waste. Whoever becomes our next president will surly inherit the atrocious problems Bush has bestowed on our nation. I have full faith that either one of the Democratic hopefuls could fix many of our countries problems, but I disagree (with Obama) that we should immediately begin to pull out of Iraq. I agree that there was no necessity to invade the country, but what about the 4,000 death soldiers? Did they all die for nothing? If we leave now all the good that has been done will inevitability be destroyed. Unfortunately, Mr. Bush has committed our country to a nonessential war, but It is in no way meaningless and we must finish what he has started.