Wednesday, April 30, 2008

America's school system

I agree with opinions expressed on America's public educational system, by my colleague's blog, Lets Dissect. We are living in a time of economic globalization. In a way this is a double edged sword because it allows economies to thrive on an international level, but many people are being left behind. With the growing phenomenon of outsourcing there has never been more competition for American's losing their jobs to people in other countries. I think that corporate firms are turning their back on America by shipping jobs to other countries and it is wrong. Regardless I believe we must give the children in our public school systems a fighting chance. We need to take from other countries school systems which are highly evolved from ours. Despite the fact that America is the most developed country in the world it has one of the worst public educational systems. The children of the future must compete in a globalized world where having a four year college education isn't enough anymore. In my opinion we live in the greatest country on earth, and hopefully our next president will see past the greed of corporate firms, and work to give average Americans the public education they deserve and need to survive in a global world. To do this we must compete on a higher level with other nations, and put this mentality into our children. Because the private sector could care less that your job just got send to some guy in India and you can no longer feed your family;they don't pay that guy in New Delhi squat.

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