Monday, April 7, 2008

I strongly agree with the opinions expressed, by the governmental confusion blog, on illegal immigration in the United States. Anybody who has grown up, or lived in Texas has experienced the impact of illegal Mexican immigration. Seeing a truck full of illegals working construction on the highway, or working in a Chinese restaurant, with a majority of Mexican cooks and chiefs in the kitchen, is nothing out of the ordinary for a Texan. Most will not argue that there is an essential economic need for the labor these immigrants supply;however, with the exponential increase in this immigration, our country faces serious issues. Many have argued that America is the "great melting pot," and we Americans should be more "tolerant" to other cultures, yet I believe that our nation is no exception to the unwritten rules of cultural assimilation. One should be at least inclined to learn our official language of English.
I believe that our government needs to create laws to help immigrants assimilate. For instance, Australia requires all of their immigrants to learn fluent English before they are granted residency. I also agree with my colleague's opinions on the millions of taxpayers dollars being used on a variety of social services for illegals, that are reserved for our citizens. Despite my concurring views with my colleague, I have grown up around the Hispanic culture my entire life, and I am also half Puerto Rican. I understand and see most of these immigrants simply want a better life for their families, and give there blood, sweat, and tears to achieve it. I have an incredible respect for these people, and their incredible cultures, but i believe our country must keep its citizens a first priority. Our country must continue to inforce it's strict immigration policies and keep its privileges for its citizens.

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